Roughly six months after the last rumors about Apple's Siri-based smart speaker intended to compete with the Amazon Echo and Google Home, a pair of reports this week are suggesting a debut could be closer than many thought. The first report last week came from Sonny Dickson, who said the device will be
marketed as a Siri and AirPlay product with Beats technology. According to Dickson, the speaker is said to resemble the Mac Pro, with a "fat" cylindrical design and a concave top, but with mesh covering nearly the entire exterior.
Dickson's source said the device could be introduced as soon as WWDC next month, and a follow-up report from prominent analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims there is indeed an
"over 50% chance" of an introduction at WWDC, although a launch may not come until later in the year. Kuo says the device will have "excellent acoustics performance" with one woofer and seven tweeters and carry processing power roughly on par with the iPhone 6 or 6s. He expects Apple's speaker will be priced higher than the $179 Amazon Echo.
With the new developments and a potential introduction just a few weeks away, we've
put together a roundup covering the rumored product to help readers stay on top of the latest news and rumors all in one place.
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