After Apple pushed the launch of the iPhone X into early November last year, there has been uncertainty about whether all three of this year's models will launch simultaneously. Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty has weighed in with her thoughts that the
cheapest model using a 6.1-inch LCD could see a roughly four-week delay and launch in October. Apple is said to be facing issues with light leakage from the LED backlight, but the situation is reportedly improving from original estimates.
In other iPhone news, Qualcomm this week said that it expects Apple to
"solely" use cellular modems from another company in this year's iPhones. That other company would be Intel, and rumors had been divided as to whether Intel would have complete control or if Apple would continue to split orders between Qualcomm and Intel. It sounds like it's going to be the former.
And finally, Apple has been rumored to be including an 18-watt USB-C charger with this year's iPhones to support fast charging out of the box. A word of warning to those planning to use third-party chargers though: a new rumor claims that
only chargers with "C-AUTH" certification will be able to charge iPhones at full speed. Otherwise, Apple will limit charging speeds to 2.5 watts.
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