Saturday, April 25, 2020

Difference Between Hacker, Programmer, And Developer

                There are numerous sprite debates and discussions on the differences between hackers, developers, and programmers. With most descriptions, however, there is usually a slight flaw in at least one or two serious ways. These terms are all traditionally misused and misunderstood, with many of us frequently mixing them up as an all-encompassing definition of anyone working on the Software realm.

However, if you are looking to clarify your project goals and business needs adequately, it is essential that you understand that all these terms do not all represent the same thing (although a person with the ability to program a computer can use different skills to accomplish various outcomes).

What's more, it is also quite important for you to differentiate between these three terms if you are working with software development groups and the fact that they cannot be interchanged.  This excerpt seeks to break it all down for you mainly-the vital difference between hackers, developers, and programmers, their actual tasks, as well as their relationship.

The Hacker

A hacker is a computer expert who uses his knowledge of computer networking, programming, cryptography, and databases to overcome a problem in the system. Hackers are more concerned with availing the concept as opposed to minding about the long-term quality. And although a hacker can conceptualize about how will ultimately be created while frantically writing code, the role is primarily about speed.

A hacker, as well as hacking,' are most useful in dealing with emergency circumstances or when prototyping an item. Hackers and the profession of hacking, in general, is not concerned with the ultimate effect of the code.

Hackers make things. They typically alter the things programmers create and transform them to function differently as well as also writing codes. While "hacker" can refer to any skilled technical person, the term has become associated with computer security, someone who, with their technical knowledge, uses bugs or exploits to break into computer systems.

The Programmer

programmer is an individual equipped with the expertise to write codes. Programmers usually master in a single or multiple programming languages and boast vast knowledge on related areas also. Their roles are relatively procedural and mandate for total concentration not to mention refined skills.

A programmer is solely focused both in writing codes as well as getting features appropriately performed so that these features are accessible for integration and later use. Programming is merely the process of swinging the hammer and adequately creating the software.

Usually, it is easy to identify that an individual is in programming mode since they often have a concentrated gaze and are deep in the zone.' Programmers are normally internalizing the system they are operating as well as editing and writing pieces of something that can only best be described as a long algebra problem.'

The Developer

Developers are typically creators. However, not anyone that is an expert at writing codes can be a developer. Developers are experts at identifying ways around various problems as well as plugging together components to fulfill some requirements. These professionals solve problems or create things by adhering to a specific set of principles (design and implementation).

This set of principles includes attributes such as maintainability, performance, robustness, security, and scale among others. They solve problems in a systematic manner. Ideally, this is what distinguishes programmers, developers, and hackers.

In A Nutshell:

In all simplicity, these three professionals solve various problems using code. A programmer is an encompassing term that means a problem solver, a developer is a trained programmer (formal) who besides resolving issues achieves it in an organized and methodical manner likely instilled in the course of their formal education, and a hacker is a tinkerer/creator.

Despite their differences in individual meaning and professional capacities, these terms, however, can interrelate with each other quite effectively. In fact, it is possible for you to combine the skills to your benefit. In reality, all developers and hackers are programmers. However, despite their expertise, not many developers and programmers are creative enough to warrant an identity as hackers.

Finally, although hackers and programmers are quite impressive, they are however not experienced or educated enough to warrant consideration as developers. The similarity, however, is that all work to create code, each in their specified manner.

Ideally, anyone would work to be all the above-as creative as a hacker, though, somewhat better experienced and formally trained to design software as opposed to only hacking.

Nonetheless, even if you lack the creativity, experience, or education, or either to necessarily create a broad application, it is still worth noting that you are still ideally a programmer. And in case you did not know, solving a problem through code is by itself, a superpower!


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Linux Command Line Hackery Series: Part 1

In this concise article we will learn some basics of how to use Linux Command line, so lets get started.


1. An open Terminal in your Linux Box. I'm using Kali Linux 2.0
or you can check out this amazing website Webminal

Command:  ls
Syntax:         ls [flag(s)]
Function:      ls is short for list. ls command is used to list the contents of a directory these contents include files, folders, and links. ls has many optional flags as well, some of them are described below
Flags:    -a this flag is used to view hidden files that is those files whose names are preceded                      by a '.'(dot)
               -l  this flag is used to view file permissions, owner of the file, group of the owner, the                        file size, the modification date, and the filename. We'll talk more about it in later                            articles.

Command:  mkdir
Syntax:         mkdir dirname
Function:      mkdir is used to create a directory (or a folder) with the name which is followed by the command

now lets create a directory in our current directory named as myfiles, how would you do that?

mkdir myfiles

which command should we use in order to verify that the directory has been created in our current folder?


this will list all the files and directories in our current folder. Do you see myfiles directory listed?

Command:  cd
Syntax:         cd path/to/directory
Function:      cd is short for change directory. It is used to navigate directories, or to make it clear it does the same thing as what double clicking on a folder do except it doesn't show you contents of the directory :(. In order to navigate or visit another directory we need to provide it's ABSOLUTE-PATH or RELATIVE-PATH you heard that, didn't ya?

Paths are of two types relative path or absolute path (also called full-path). Relative as the name suggests is relative to the current directory, so if you have to navigate to a folder within the current directory you'll just simply type cd directory_name. But what if you have to navigate to a directory which is the parent of current directory? Well it's easy just type cd .. (yes double dots, you noticed that .. and . thing when you typed ls -a, didn't you?). The double dots mean the directory above current directory (i,e the parent directory) and a single dot means the current directory (i,e the directory that I'm currently in). Now if you have to navigate two directories above current directory using relative path navigation you'll type

cd ../.. 

here .. means previous directory and another .. after slash (/) means the previous directory of the previous directory sounds confusing..!

The Absolute Path means full path to the file or folder which starts from root directory. Say I want to navigate to my home folder using absolute path, then I'll type:

cd /home/user

where user is the username
Now think of navigating to the myfiles folder from your home directory using the absolute path, it will be something like this:

cd /home/user/myfiles

Exercise: Create a directory project1 inside your home directory and inside the project1 directory create a file and a directory named index.html and css respectively. Then navigate to the css directory and create a style.css file inside it. At last navigate out of the css directory to home both using the relative and absolute path mechanisms.

[Trick: To get quickly out of any directory to your home directory type cd ~ [press Enter] or simply cd [press Enter]]

Command:  touch
Syntax:         touch filename
Function:      touch is a nifty little function used to create an empty file (actually it's used to change access time of a file but everyone has got bad habits :P ). You can create any type of empty file with the touch command. If you are a bit curious about touch read the manual page of the touch command using the man touch command.

Now lets create a few files inside of our myfiles directory

touch file1 file2 file3

The above command creates three empty files in our current directory named file1, file2, and file3.
How will you verify that it has indeed created these three files in your current directory? I won't answer this time.

Command:  echo
Syntax:         echo Hacker manufacturing under process
Function:      echo is used to display a line of text. By default echo displays a line of text on the terminal which is the standard output device (stdout for short). However we can redirect the output of an echo command to a file using > (the greater than symbol).
Now if we have to echo a line of text to a file, say file1 in our myfiles directory, we will type:

echo This is file1 > file1

The above command will echo the text "This is file1" to file1.

Command:  cat
Syntax:         cat filename [anotherfilename...]
Function:      cat stands for concatenate (not that puny little creature in your house). The main function of cat is to concatenate files and display them on your terminal (or in geeky terms stdout). But its also used to display the contents of a file on your terminal.

Let's display the contents of file1 in the myfiles directory that we echoed to it using the echo command, for that we'll type:

cat file1

Awesome I can see on black screen contents of my file (what if your terminals background is white?), looks like I'm becoming a hacker. In case you don't see it then I suggest you should give up the thought of becoming a hacker. Just kidding you might have missed a step or two from the above steps that we performed.

Now lets say that we want to add another line of text to our file using the echo command should we use the same greater than (>) symbol? No, if we want to add another line (which in geeky terms is to append a line) to our file using the echo command we have to use >> (two greater than symbols) like this:

echo Another line of text >> file1

now to check the contents of file1 we'll type:

cat file1

OK we wrote two lines inside of the file1.
Does it mean we have to add three greater than symbols to write third line? Oh! I didn't thought you'd be such a genius.

A single greater than symbol (>) means redirect the output of the preceding command to a file specified after the > symbol. If the file exists then overwrite everything that's in it with the new contents and if the file does not exist then create one and write to it the output of the preceding command. So if you had typed

echo Another line of text > file1

it would have overwritten the contents of the file1 with "Another line of text" and the line "This is file1" would no longer be present in the file.

Two greater than symbols (>>) mean that append (remember the geeky term?) the output of the previous command to the end of file specified after >>. Now if you want to add another line of text to file1, you won't use >>> rather you'll use >> like this:

echo Third line in file1 >> file1

This is it for today. But don't worry we'll learn more things soon.

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APT Calypso RAT, Flying Dutchman Samples


 Attackers exploit Windows SMB vulnerability CVE-2017-0143 or use stolen credentials to gain access, deploy the custom Calypso RAT and use it to upload other tools such as Mimikatz, EternalBlue and EternalRomance. They move laterally and steal data.


             Other malware


MD5SHA256SHA1FilenameFile TyeeStage
aa1cf5791a60d56f7ae6da9bb1e7f01ed5afa3bfd423ba060207ad025467feaa56ac53d13616ac8782a7f63c9fc0fdb4bdd8b9115d1ae536d0ea1e62052485e5ad10761fMPSSVC.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload
1e765fed294a7ad082169819c95d2c85f6a09372156a8aef96576627a1ed9e57f194b008bb77e32ca29ac89505f933f060dda7ccd9ae00701046923b619a1b9c33c8e2acWscntfy.exepe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
17e05041730dcd0732e5b296db16d757b6c21c26aef75ad709f6c9cfa84bfa15b7ee709588382ce4bc3544a04bceb661f3301405d8ad5b160747241d6b2a8d88bf6292e8pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
1ed72c14c4aab3b66e830e16ef90b37beebff21def49af4e85c26523af2ad659125a07a09db50ac06bd3746483c89f9ddc0d0a34f107d140d9e47582e17a7fec945403eacoal.exepe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
e24a62d9826869bc4817366800a8805cc407c3dde18c9b56ed24492ca257d77a570616074356b8c7854a080823f7ee1753791c9e7c41931a6becb999fee4eb7daf9b1a11data01.binpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
c9c39045fa14e94618dd631044053824ab39301d45045172ad41c9a89210fdc6f0d3f9dccb567fd733b0dbffbfcfbcc31cda28bc307c09508dbb1f3495a967bbcc29326epe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
69322703b8ef9d490a20033684c28493e6a3b43acdaa824f3280095b10798ea341839f7d43f0460df8989f13c98fa6e0f203680d97705d99f92fe9797691be6177f5fd41RasCon.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
85ce60b365edf4beebbdd85cc971e84d5dfdee5dd680948d19ab4d16df534cf10aca5fa0b157c59659d6517fe897c62fd9c14f7b6de8e26ae33e41a72ae8e35bb1af4434pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
6347e42f49a86aff2dea7c8bf455a52a281583aca23f8fd8745dd88a600cbfc578d819859a13957ec022b86c3c1c99f48b2a81af85590e0e36efc1c05aa4f0600ea21545HIDMgr.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
cb914fc73c67b325f948dd1bf97f57330031c7b63c1e1cd36d55f585d97e2b21a13a19858d5a1aa5455e5cc64b41e6e937ce4d0a3168e3b2f80b3fae38082e68a454aee0pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
c84df4b2cd0d3e7729210f15112da7ac4e8351ddaff18f7df6fcc27a3c75598e0c56d3b406818d45effb4e78616092c241a0c5a1aad36f405c8755613c732591e3300f97mscorsvw.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
5199ef9d086c97732d97eddef56591ec511683c8ee62478c2b45be1f782ce678bbe03c4349a1778651414803010b3ee9d19a786adc09dff84642f2c2e0386193fa2a914bdnscache.dllpe dllFlyingDutchman
617d588eccd942f243ffa8cb13679d9c0664b09a86ec2df7dfe01a93e184a1fa23df66ea82cab39000944e418ec1f7b21b043fdcb582ed13cbf7dabcef6527762b5be93cpe dllHussar
2807236c2d905a0675878e530ed8b1f8314e438198f8cc2ee393c75f8e9f2ebd2b5133fd6f2b7deb1178f82782fc63302f6fe857632a67e87f4f3631bfa93713ccdf168aAeLookupMgr.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload
cce8c8ee42feaed68e9623185c3f7fe438cc404437b936660066b71cc87a28af1995248d6d4c471706eb1dd347129b4b9d2235c911b86bb6ad55d953a2f56ea78c5478e5AppCert.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
e1a578a069b1910a25c95e2d9450c710413622ded5d344a5a78de4fea22cfdabdeb4cdccf69e9a1f58f668096c32473836087a5b0809dc3f9dc5a77355a88e99af491a88RasCfgMan.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
0d532484193b8b098d7eb14319cefcd3f8043d6bfc3e63d8561f7f74e65cb7ff1731577ecf6c7559795d9de21298f0fc31f4c6dc6ce78b4e0439b30c830dfd5d9a3fc4feRasCfgMan.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload
974298eb7e2adfa019cae4d1a927ab070461710e681fd6dc9f1c83b57f94a88cd6df9e6432174cbfdd70dfd24577a0f841bc37679ce3caeecc176d10b4f8259918e25807VirtualUMP.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
05f472a9d926f4c8a0a372e1a71939988017923cd8169bf951106f053408b425f1eb310a9421685638ead55bb3823db38d909bd3450ebe0cffd0cb17b91bc28d23ef5083EFSProvider.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
d1a1166bec950c75b65fdc7361dcdc63f3f38c097b0cc5337b7d2dbec098bf6d0a3bb4a3e0336e7b1c8af75268a0a49d5731350f68a74fb4762c4ea878ecff635588a825RasCon.dllpe dll 64bits assemblyCalypso RAT Payload
e3e61f30f8a39cd7aa25149d0f8af5efc4dc7519bccc24c53794bf9178e4a4d0823875c34479d01cedbb3e9b10f5c7301b75ea494c3ac171c5177bdcc263b89a3f24f207MPSSVC.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload

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The Remote Exploit Development Team has just announced BackTrack 4 Beta. BackTrack is a Linux based LiveCD intended for security testing and we've been watching the project since the very early days. They say this new beta is both stable and usable. They've moved towards behaving like an actual distribution: it's based on Debian core, they use Ubuntu software, and they're running their own BackTrack repositories for future updates. There are a lot of new features, but the one we're most interested in is the built in Pico card support. You can use the FPGAs to generate rainbow tables and do lookups for things like WPA, GSM, and Bluetooth cracking. BackTrack ISO and VMWare images are available here.

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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Deepin Or UbuntuDDE

I'm sure nowadays many Deepin users are thinking in changing to UbuntuDDE, so let's explain some differences between both Linux distros.

1. Community

At least in the main telegram channel Deepin has more than 2.000 users, but UbuntuDDE is new in beta version and have about 500 users.

    2. Boot

Despite de booting sound is the same in both distros, Deepin's animation is nicer than ubuntu's which uses a too bright background.


    3. Default memory and CPU usage

The CPU usage is similar, but Deepin by default is using more processes, more network connections and more drivers than UbuntuDDE.

  4.  Workspaces

UbuntuDDE allows up to 7 workspaces meanwhile Deepin right now only allows 4.
Is not only more workspaces for UbuntuDDE, it's also the more eficient way to display them.

    5.  Software Versions

Deepin is based on Debian so the program versions on store and apt are old but stable, and can have problems with the old libraries installed on the system when compiling new software.

We can see below that Ubuntu's compiler version is quite new, the 9.3.0 which is quite well, but Deepin's version is 6.3.0.

Regarding the kernels, UbuntuDDE has the and Deepin the 4.15.0-30, the libc in both systems is updated.

    6.  The store

Deepin's store is fast and polished and contain the main software, but and the UbuntuDDE


Deepin is the most used of both and it's the original one, but many users are trying the UbuntuDDE (which is beta for now) because the need of using recent versions, also the 4 workspaces on Deepin is another limitation for some Linux users. Probably Deepin v20 will overcome the limitations but the main decision is between Debian as base system or ubuntu, and for more users the trend in workstations is ubuntu.


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How To Change Facebook’s Default Theme To Any Color You Want

Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension

How To Change Facebook's Default Theme To Any Color You Want

We are going to share an interesting trick on changing your Facebook default theme. You just need a Google Chrome extension to perform this trick. If you are among me who feels very fatigued with the look of Facebook's by default theme then this is a must-see post because you will find out the easiest trick to make your facebook more attractive than before.

Facebook is a social networking site which empowers people to connect with friends and people around. That's how Facebook is habitually introduced. However, Facebook is beyond the need of being introduced as almost everyone is on it.
   A couple of Days ago I was simply Surfing Google Chrome website and I somehow stumbled upon a Chrome Extension. Yes, a Chrome extension that will give your Facebook a Whole new look. I was apprehensive to try it, So I just installed it and checked my facebook. I was astonished to see my facebook homepage have all new look. I found it refreshing and decided to write steps on How to Change Facebook Themes using Chrome Extension.

How To Change Facebook's Default Theme To Any Color You Want

If You are among me who feels very fatigued with the look of Facebook's by default theme then this is a must-see post, Because you will find out the easiest trick to make your facebook more attractive than before. Simply follow the steps to know about it.

How to Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension

Step 1. Install Stylish for Chrome from the Chrome Web Store. It will take hardly a minute to get installed in your Chrome browser.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Step 2. Navigate to and click on the S button. Click on Find Styles for this Site to open a new tab with free themes to use for Facebook. Most of the themes are free and attractive too you can easily browse over the full website to discover your favorite theme.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Step 3. Now You will be redirected towards Guess what! This site contains huge numbers of Facebook themes, One thing is for sure that you will be confused in-between what to select and which one to skip. Select any them and click on it. Now you will be given a full preview of your selected theme.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Step 4. If everything is fine in the previewed theme, click on Install with Stylish button at the top right corner of the page. It will take few seconds or minutes depends on your theme size to be installed in Stylish Extension, once installed you will be notified with a success message.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Step 5. Now whenever you open Facebook, it will show the theme that you have installed with Stylish instead of the boring old blue theme.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
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